If you didn’t read yet the tasks section, you probably won’t be able to make much sense out of the following examples.

open terminal or explorer window

These commands would open a new explorer window, or a new terminal window, at the current file position, or at the current working directory respectively.

In Linux you should replace the terminal application with the one you’re actually using. Note that in Linux I unset vim environmental variables, or they would carry over to the new window.

[explorer-dir] @always @hidden
command/Linux=unset VIM && unset VIMRUNTIME && xdg-open %:h
command/Windows=start explorer.exe %:h
command/MacOs=open "%:h"

[explorer-root] @always @hidden
command/Linux=unset VIM && unset VIMRUNTIME && xdg-open $ROOT
command/Windows=start explorer.exe $ROOT
command/MacOs=open "$ROOT"

[terminal-dir] @always @hidden
command/Linux=unset VIM && unset VIMRUNTIME && xfce4-terminal --working-directory "%:p:h"
command/Windows=start cmd.exe /k "%:p:h"
command/MacOs=open -a iTerm "%:p:h"

[terminal-root] @always @hidden
command/Linux=unset VIM && unset VIMRUNTIME && xfce4-terminal --working-directory "$ROOT"
command/Windows=start cmd.exe /k "%ROOT%"
command/MacOs=open -a iTerm "$ROOT"

Also note that they are marked as @always and @hidden, meaning the tasks are always valid, also when a project tasks file is present, but they never show up with the Tasks-Choose plug, that is used to launch a task with a mapping. They are only accessible through the :Task command (autocompletion still works with hidden tasks), so that you can still setup mappings for them.

These mappings would replicate the ones of the vim-gtfo plugin:

nnoremap got :Task terminal-dir<cr>
nnoremap goT :Task terminal-root<cr>
nnoremap gof :Task explorer-dir<cr>
nnoremap goF :Task explorer-root<cr>

markdown preview

[markdown-preview] @always
command:markdown=grip --user-content --quiet -b "%"

A global task, and requires the grip executable.

This task will open the browser for a live preview of a markdown file. Mode is headless, so no quickfix is populated, and no terminal is spawned. It will write logs to disk when terminated.

convert quotes

[convert-quotes] @always
command:noft,text/Linux,MacOs=%!iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit

Inspired by this reddit post.

The command is specific for text files, or files with no filetype set (noft is used in this case). It works in Linux and Mac, not in Windows.

Note the use of the vim output mode, so that the task is actually a vim ex command and not an external process.

build, run and test

A simple program that expects some data from stdin. It defines custom mappings for the Tasks-Choose plug.

name=the program's name
description=the program's description



command=make clean

command=./$EXE < some_default_file

[project-run] @test
command=./$EXE < some_test_file

command=make 1>/dev/null && ./$EXE < some_default_file